Wednesday 21 March 2018

First Day of Preschool

I sent my only boy off to preschool. Suddenly I felt a complex mix of emotions. I am excited by what lies ahead for him and the whole new world he is going to love. Sad because I know it is a time for letting go.. I have savoured all the days when it was just the two of us together during the week, the middle-of-the-day-snuggles and how he would think of me as his only playmate. Now he is off to a wilder world where he will meet new people, create friendships, discover and learn something brand new. Soon I will not be his sole playmate anymore. Soon he will find another best friend. I will miss being needed so much.

I did not worry about how he will feel toward school as unlike other kids, he cried because he did not want to leave his school! It went on like that for four days. Then he came to understand that he will be going back and that school is now part of his life - he now comes home with us gladly. 

As for me, it feels like a new start. Aside from missing him, I kept asking myself, "what to do?", "what to do?".. What to do first when I get home? Shall I go for that movie I have been wanting to see? Should I take a nap?  Shall I go for coffee? But as you know, a mother's job is never done. As soon as I got home, I realised there were so many things to do. Sure the house is tidier now, but I'd rather it be messy; I'd rather he is not out of my sight and out of my care. What can I do? He is definitely growing up!

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