Tuesday 5 December 2017

Beep, beep! Ioan is 3!

My little boy loves cars. He talks about them 24/7, takes them to bed, lines them up perfectly, reads books about them.. He knows exactly which cars he already has and which ones he doesn't. He even takes a few of them to the shower for a 'car wash'. When he learned how to draw, the first thing he drew was a car, followed by more cars! When he prays at night, he would thank God for his red car, blue car, black car, green car, yellow car.. He can tell you the make and model of some of them. In fact, I did not know what a Bugatti is until he identified it while we were in the toy shop! What is it about boys and their fascination of cars, eh?

Choosing a theme for his 3rd birthday was as easy as ABC. When asked what sort of party he would like, he gleefully said, "a race car party!" So a car party it is! 

We had a super amazing fleet of vintage pedal cars come to the party. My boy thought he was only having a car cake and some cupcakes in his party. So imagine his surprise when he first saw the pedals cars. There was even a classic Bugatti, too. I instantly knew when I saw it that it would be his favourite! Give Sally a bell if you want to hire the cars as well - Pedal Car Parties. Sally is lovely and she will complete your party with cute buntings, petrol pump, working mini traffic lights, pop up garage, road signs and cones.

The birthday cake, cupcakes and cookies were from the brilliant Cake My Day. Super yum!

The playful table was set-up by Sally. I added the party hats, mini trophies with chocolate coins and the die-cast cars party favours on the table. The invite, signs, party favours, car photo booth, guest book, chocolate cars, traffic light brownies and other decorations were done by myself and my awesome hubby. My little boy had his share of the workload too. I do not like complicating my life, so almost all of the DIYs were pretty easy to do. The DIY car photo booth was inspired by this blogger. When my boy saw what I have created for his party, he could only sing my praises.. "Wow!" "These cars are amazing, Mummy!" "Cool cars!"

Dessert table backdrop: Artful Monkeys
Vintage garage backdrop: Pedal Car Parties

How time seems to speed by! Click the link to see his:
2nd birthday party - The King of All Wild Things is 2!
1st birthday +baptism - Our Little Man is 1!

DIY Paper Cars

Another DIY Paper Cars

DIY Die-Cast Car Party Favours

DIY Car Photo Booth

DIY Choc Cars

DIY Traffic Light Brownies

Mini Trophies with Chocolate Coins

Pop the Balloon Game
(We did not get the chance to play this at the party. Nevertheless, this is a nice game for a car party.)

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